La primera referència sobre jocs que existeix és de l'any 3000 a. C. Els jocs són considerats com a part d'una experiència humana i estan presents en totes les cultures. Probablement, les pessigolles, combinades amb el riure, siguin una de les primeres activitats lúdiques de l'ésser humà, al mateix temps que una de les primeres activitats comunicatives prèvies a l'aparició del llenguatge.
Amb aquest blog tenim intenció de mostrar-vos alguns dels més populars
The game is an activity that is used for the entertainment and the fun of the participants, in many occasions, even as a educational tool. The games usually differentiate of the work and of the art, but in many cases these have a too clear differentiation.
The first reference on games that exists is 3000 years ago The games are considered as a part of a human experience and are present in all the cultures. Probably, the tickles, combined with the laugh, are one of the first activities of the human being, to the same time that one of the first previous communicative activities to the apparition of the language.
With this blog have intention to show you some of the most popular games
The first reference on games that exists is 3000 years ago The games are considered as a part of a human experience and are present in all the cultures. Probably, the tickles, combined with the laugh, are one of the first activities of the human being, to the same time that one of the first previous communicative activities to the apparition of the language.
With this blog have intention to show you some of the most popular games
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